Friday, April 28, 2017

Celebrating Successes!

Birdville ISD is implementing a Raising Blended Learners grant initiative.  There are many definitions and iterations of blended.  Our focus is to create student-centered learning environments in which students are authentically engaged in the learning process.  This can occur when both students and teachers are actively using data to determine progress and next steps in the learning cycle.  Students must become active participants in the process and remain the focus of all planning and professional learning that occurs.

I recently had the opportunity to visit the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia.  It is not a blended learning environment; however what I observed fits into blended models being implemented in Birdville.  Students at RCA are highly engaged in rigorous, student-centered activities every minute of the school day, and are learning at least two grade levels above.  RCA serves students with all needs and learning styles - it is not a gifted academy comprised of only high-achieving students.  In fact, many students enter the academy below grade level; yet in by the time they leave are performing at very high levels.  

What I bring back to Birdville from this experience is that blended provides an opportunity for our teachers to receive additional professional learning and support that will allow us to completely shift the way students in our classrooms interact with content achieve results similar to RCA.  I believe Birdville teachers are among the best and have exceptional content knowledge and strategies. Through blended, we are adding more opportunities to increase rigor and engagement.  

We are nearing the end of the school year, and our first year of iteration of blended learning.  There have been lessons learned and successes noted.  As we continue to plan and iterate for the 2017-18 school year we must take time to step back and celebrate our successes!  Students have shared that their English class is different, more fun, and that they know their teachers really care about them.  Teachers report that through blended learning they see higher levels of engagement and have shifted teacher practices to keep the student at the center of planning and instruction.  School leaders are supporting teachers and students throughout this process to enhance the learning environments and provide time for professional learning and planning. We are still early in the game, learning, and responding to needs but the future is bright. Thank you Birdville teacher, deans, coaches, and school and district leaders for your continued passion toward creating the best possible experience for our students!