Friday, August 26, 2016

#BirdvilleBlended Station Rotations

As the 2016-17 school year began, so did Birdville Blended Learning (#BirdvilleBlended.)  One of the biggest changes in implementing blended learning involves a new model of teaching and learning that includes station rotations.  Stations in and of themselves are not new, however, applying this structure to a high school English class is a new concept for Birdville ISD teachers.  Admittedly, this is a challenge in some classrooms yet not one that won't be overcome!   As Mike Wilson, Haltom High School English 1 teacher stated early in the first week of school, "The kids are much more adaptable than we give them credit for."

So if this model is such a challenge, one may wonder, why bother?  I went back to the work of our blended academies this past summer and am reminded of the reasons Birdville ISD English teachers stated as to why stations:

  1. Individualized learning (and pacing)
  2. Focused, small group instruction
  3. Differentiated lessons to meet students needs
  4. Student choice and control (agency)
  5. Engaging, novelty, and peer interaction
  6. Build life skills such as communication, kindness, and supporting others
If we step back and take a look at the real purpose of blended learning we find that this model is about designing a student experience that focuses on preparing students for their future: college ready, workplace ready, and future ready, the BISD Portrait of a Graduate.  To achieve this goal students need to engage in rigorous learning that causes them to collaborate, think critically, create, and innovate.  Students need to be involved in goal setting and taking ownership and responsibility of their learning.  Every BISD student is a unique individual, with unique learning needs.  It is our responsibility to end average and provide the learning experience that our students deserve.

Cheryl McKnight
Raising Blended Learners Project Manager